Thursday, September 15, 2011

Common Symptoms of Tendonitis

Tendons are defined as the sinewy connective tissue fibers that attach muscles to the bones. A tendon is also the structure that is responsible for transmitting impulses to the muscles during muscle contraction to cause movement. Sometimes these tendons Tendonitis injuries are more common in upper and lower limbs while less common in hips and torso. Common sites include the rotator cuff of the shoulders, Achilles heel, elbow, wrist and knees.

The exact cause for this condition is not yet identified. However, many research studies suggest that it is most often an overuse injury. It is a result of repetitively done strenuous activities. This condition is more commonly experienced by those who are 40 to 50 years of age. In aging, the tendons tend to lose its strength and elasticity subjecting it to frequent injuries and tissue damage. In some cases, the cause for tendonitis is the anatomical structure and in these cases, surgery is indicated to correct the problem.

Diagnosing tendonitis is done by a physician by a thorough physical assessment, as well as evaluation of the presenting signs and symptoms. Diagnostic tools such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and x-rays are usually not indicated. However, these diagnostic examinations may be used in ruling out other conditions that have similar signs and symptoms with tendon inflammation such as fracture. These tests are not use to confirm the diagnosis of tendonitis. The usual treatment depends on the types of tendonitis present.

There are signs which people who have higher risk of experiencing tendon inflammation should be aware of. These can be detected and recognized easily. When pain, stiffness and swelling is visible in a particular area, it is advised to take a rest immediately and immobilize that area to prevent further injury. Restricted movement without pain is also an early sign of tendonitis especially if it is difficult to move a particular area. Usually the pain that is brought about by this condition worsens during the evening and when waking up. The pain and discomfort is also present during and after activities that involve the movement of that area.

Symptoms of tendon inflammation may vary from mild to very severe. The symptoms may develop gradually and may persist for some period of time especially if left untreated. Early recognition and awareness with regards to the symptoms is very important so that immediate treatment can be made. Usually, there is pain over the affected tendon when used with pressure. Oftentimes, this is the first symptom experienced by most people suffering from tendonitis. There are also restricted movements as a result of the pain and discomfort experienced. It would be difficult to touch and move the affected area due to the inflammation that is taking place.

Other tendonitis symptoms include a warm and burning sensation over the affected area. This sensation is usually present after a particular activity and during periods of rest and sleep in the night. Because of the inflammatory process, the affected area will have swelling and redness. The edema can also be the result of fluid accumulation around the affected tendon. Usually these signs are indication of a worsening condition. It is recommended consult the physician for prompt treatment and medications.

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