It is estimated that approximately more than 200 million Americans have incomplete set of teeth while 1 out of 10 adult American has no teeth at all. Others may not see it as a problem. However, an incomplete set of teeth or having no teeth can also cause some problems. Among these problems are discomforts especially when chewing foods, weakening of the bite, and these may also cause harm to other neighboring teeth. Fortunately, experts were able to discover and find a solution for problems such as those mentioned. One of the more popular ways to solve this problem is through the use of dental implants.
Experts created artificial teeth which are placed and anchored the mandibular bone. These artificial teeth are known as dental implants. Dental implants are becoming more popular worldwide. In the United States alone, more than half million dental implants are estimated to be performed in the country annually. Majority of the population are satisfied with regards to the outcome of their dental implants. But unfortunately, not everyone can afford to have and use these implants. Aside from the fact that it is expensive, implants also have certain risks. It is advisable to make use of implants if only there are a few lacking teeth because replacing the entire set of teeth with dental implants costs thousands of dollars and several longer sessions with the dentists.

When deciding to have dental implants, it is important to discuss thoroughly all the concerns with the dentist especially when it comes to the benefits, risks and probable outcome of this procedure. People who are often advised and approved to have dental implants are those healthy individuals who only intend to replace few missing teeth. Dentists also consider if the person have enough bone since it is where the implants will be anchored. Several contraindications with regards to dental implants include use of medications such as corticosteroids, diabetes mellitus, anemia and other health problems that may comprise the healing process following the procedure. Smokers and chronic alcohol drinkers are also not advised to have dental implants.
Dental implants cost more compared to other older selections such as dentures and bridges. These choices can be finished in a matter of weeks unlike dental implants which usually takes several months for it to complete. However, if it is desired to only fill minimal gaps without involving neighboring teeth, dental implant is the perfect solution. Everything must be considered and planned well before deciding to have implants. Dental implant cost, the nature of the procedure, advantages and risks must altogether be evaluated and discussed thoroughly with an expert since there are also chances that the procedure will fail.