Thursday, June 16, 2011

Attention Deficit Disorder & Hyperactivity

Over the decades, several studies have attempted to identify the actual cause for attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity only to no avail. However, certain studies show the significant improvement in children diagnosed with this condition when certain food substances are eliminated from their diet such as food preservatives, flavorings, colorings, as well as significant amount of sugar and salt. In ADD, certain mechanisms of the central nervous system are impaired, resulting to both psychological and psychological problems. This condition is usually characterized by age-inappropriate inattention, increased irritability and restlessness. Children diagnosed with this disorder have poor school performance since they lack focus and determination in completing tasks. These children may also manifest absent mindedness, clumsiness, exhibit destructive behaviors, aggressiveness, increased distractibility and sleeping disorders.

The most common factors associated with attention deficit disorder include genetic predisposition, both bacterial and viral infections, as well as head injuries. Several studies claim that majority of ADD cases are seen to have close relatives who are also suffering from this condition. There are also several environmental factors which have been linked to the prevalence of ADD in children such as pollution, increased exposure to chemicals, nutritional deficiencies and certain food sensitivities or food allergies. Calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron and zinc are the most common nutritional deficiencies associated with ADD. Children with learning disabilities such as ADD are also seen to have an above the normal levels of heavy metals in their body. The most common metals that accumulate and build up inside the body include mercury, copper, lead, cadmium and aluminum.

Knowing the best treatment for ADD will remain unknown until the exact etiology for this condition is specifically identified. However, recent clinical studies were able to identify several strategies that can help in managing hyperactivity attention deficit disorder. These methods are based on the hypothetical causes of ADD. For example, ADD may be associated with the increase intake of sugar and food enhancers. Therefore, the ADD diet should, as much as possible, contain no refined sugar and food additives. Other food substances that should also be eliminated from the diet include dairy products and foods which possess significant amount of preservatives and colorings.
In cases of toxicity, heavy metal detoxification program may be necessary to remove the harmful metals from the body. Heavy metal toxicity can be diagnosed through various diagnostic procedures such as blood test, hair analysis, fecal testing and urine analysis. Spinal touch treatment and chiropractice can also help in improving the condition especially if a cervical segmental dysfunction is suspected. These are clinical based experience of some ADD experts.

These strategies may have different effects to different individuals diagnosed with ADD.  It is important to seek medical help immediately if ADD is suspected. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment and management usually result to better chances for both the parents and the children when coping with the condition. 

Alternative Remedies for Attention Deficit Disorder

Over the years, stimulant medication therapy is considered to be the best treatment for children, and sometimes adults, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. Examples of this drug include Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta and Dexedrine. However, stimulant medications are seen to have a number of intolerable side effects including hallucinations, bizarre behavior, headache, increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, nervousness and sleeplessness. There are also some nonstimulant ADD treatments widely used such as Strattera and Intuniv but these drugs also possess some potential side effects including liver problems, fatigue, sedation, depression, alteration in heart rhythm, delayed growth and development for children, hypotension, priapism and serious allergic reactions.

Because of the growing number of serious adverse effects seen in children using different medications, whether stimulant or nonstimulant medications, studies and researches have develop several alternative treatments for attention deficit disorder. Special diets are proven to have a significant effect in reducing the symptoms of this condition. This behavioral disorder is commonly associated with the increase intake of food which can cause hyperactivity such as glucose and caffeine, as well as other foods containing preservatives, flavorings and colorings. Therefore, eliminating these substances in the diet is believed to have an effect in improving the diagnosed disorder.

Over the years, a number of natural remedies for ADD have been developed. These are simple strategies which can be done at home by parents, family members and caregivers of those who are diagnosed with ADD. These include the additional intake of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, herbal supplements, essential fatty acids and glyconutrients. Herbal supplements which are known to somehow relieve ADD symptoms include hypericum, ginseng, ginkgo and other traditional Chinese medicines. It should be noted however, that its intake should not exceed the safe dosage since overdosage can lead to serious, and oftentimes, fatal conditions.

Recent studies also claim the effectiveness of yoga in the management of attention deficit disorder. Neurofeedback training, also known as electroencephalographic biofeedback, is a newly developed method by experts for ADD management. It is performed though the use of a machine which detects electrical activities in the brain. However, this treatment still requires further studies and experiments to prove its effectiveness.

Parents play an important role in the improvement of their children’s condition. They should be able to attend to the special needs of their children. This can be achieved through expression of affection and frequent communication. It is also healthy for their children to be constantly praised even after simply completing a task. Children will then be able to develop a sense of trust and confidence. Providing adequate rest and helping them accomplish something can also help them in building their self-esteem.

Caring for those who are diagnosed with ADD may be exhausting and frustrating for some.  But when parents are able to keep things in perspective, they will less likely experience disappointments and resentments when caring for their children. Children with ADD are capable of succeeding, contrary to the beliefs of many. But the key to this achievement lie on the hands of their parents.

About Trichomoniasis

Although approximately 700 million people are known to suffer from trichomoniasis worldwide, the exact number of cases suffering from this condition is difficult to obtain. This is due to the fact that this condition is usually asymptomatic and diagnostic tests have poor sensitivity with this condition. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a protozoan known as trichomonas vaginalis. This parasite is known only to harbor on humans and no other living organisms. It is more commonly transmitted from one person to another during coitus or sexual intercourse although in some cases, it can be acquired from touching or coming in contact with damp or wet objects such as toilet seats and washcloths.

Studies show that it commonly occurs on women ages 14 to 49 years old. Both men and women can be carrier of trichomonas vaginalis. Complications associated with trichomoniasis include infection of the adnexa, endometrium, and Skene’s and Bartholin’s gland in women. Vaginitis is its common manifestation for women. In cases of men, it is usually asymptomatic. If symptoms are present in men, it is usually manifested as urethritis. Other complications in men include infection of the prostate gland, foreskin, glans penis, and epididymis. Other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea may also cause susceptibility of a person to trichomonas vaginalis infection.

Onset of symptoms may appear 5 to 28 days after acquiring the infection. Trichomoniasis may be asymptomatic. However, in some cases it manifests some signs and symptoms such as foamy vaginal discharge which has a very strong odor and may appear yellow or gray in color, pain during coitus, burning sensation when urinating, and pruritus or itchiness around the genitals. Diagnosing this infection can be performed through pelvic exam and other laboratory tests such as culture and sensitivity test, vaginal pH, as well as DNA test.

The drug of choice for trichomoniasis is metronidazole (Flagyl). It is classified under a class of antibiotics known as nitroimidazoles. It can be taken orally or as a gel and applied topically. These topical preparations are usually used to those who are hypersensitive to metronidazole or any of its drug components. All infected persons are recommended to be under treatment regardless whether they manifest trichomoniasis symptoms or not. This is to prevent transmission of infection to others. Another important part of the treatment is to abstain from any sexual acts since this can pass the infection from one person to another. Complications of trichomoniasis include HIV and tubo-ovarian abscess

After complying with the treatment regimen, physicians will most likely refer them for other STD screening tests, as well as HIV screening test. This will help in identifying whether the person is totally free from any sexually transmitted diseases. Statistics show that 30 percent of treated patients experience the recurring of trichomoniasis. Therefore, it is important to prevent trichomonas infections from occurring again by abstaining from sex, engaging in a monogamous sexual relationship or using condoms. 

About Tendonitis

Tendonitis is a painful condition brought about by injuries and trauma to the fibrous connective tissues which attach muscles to the bones. The exact etiology for tendonitis is not yet known. However, studies and researches have found out that it is more likely a result of overuse. This happens during strenuous activities that strains and stretches the muscle tissues and the tendons.  This condition is commonly experienced by middle adults ranging from 35 to 55 years of age, although it can also be found in younger individuals. Aging is also associated with this painful condition due to the fact that tissues lose its elasticity and flexibility when a person ages. Common areas for tendonitis include the rotator cuff of the shoulders, patellar tendon, elbow, wrist and Achilles heel. It is less common in hips and torso.

The signs and symptoms of tendon inflammation range from mild to very severe that a person will experience difficulty and sometimes, can hardly perform daily activities. Tendonitis is characterized by pain especially when under pressure or touched, restricted movements, stiffness, burning sensation, and swelling around the affected area. Oftentimes, the cause of tendonitis is work related. Activities that usually cause tendonitis are those which involve being in the same position for long periods like gardening and raking, strenuous and repetitive activities such as carpentry, shoveling and scrubbing. Poor body mechanics even in performing activities of daily living and anatomical structure can lead to tendonitis. Other medical conditions have also been linked to the occurrence of tendon inflammation. These include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, thyroid gland abnormalities, infections and some drug reactions.

Diagnosing this condition involves a thorough physical assessment with the physician. Signs and symptoms are evaluated. Diagnostic tools seldom confirm the presence of this condition. However, certain imaging studies such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography can help in ruling out other conditions which may have similar signs and symptoms with that of tendonitis. The goal of tendonitis treatments is to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with this condition. At the onset of the first sign of tendonitis, which is pain, the activity must be stopped immediately. This will prevent further trauma to the affected area. Within 24 to 48 hours following the injury, a cold compress or an ice pack must be applied over the affected site.  The area should also be elevated to prevent and minimize the occurrence of edema or swelling as a result of inflammatory process.

Other tendonitis treatments include the use of over-the-counter pain medications such as mefenamic acid, aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen. These non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have both and antipyretic analgesic and antipyretic effects which is helpful for the treatment and management of tendon inflammation. In some cases, when the pain is very severe, steroid injections can be considered as an option for pain relief. Seldom do physicians require an invasive approach such as surgery and autologous blood injection for pain management. But if the severity of the condition is too much to handle, then these methods can be used. Surgery involves the removal of the damaged tissue with an incision while autologous blood injection is a technique that requires the insertion of the client’s own blood directly into the site affected. This promotes tissue healing.

The best way to manage tendonitis is to prevent its occurrence or, if it occurred already, then prevent it from happening again. This can be best achieved by properly warming up before performing any activities. Having a break and taking some rest when performing strenuous activities can also help. Physical exercises are the best way to improve and enhance the strength and flexibility of the muscle, tendons and other tissues involved, making it an excellent way to prevent tendon inflammation from occurring again. 

About Marijuana Addiction

Cannabis sativa, or more commonly known as marijuana, has been identified by the United Nations as the most widely used illegal substance worldwide. It has been banned in many countries. However in other places, such as the United States of America, marijuana extract is used as a prescription drug. It is considered to be effective especially in relieving pain and in sedation. Aside from its analgesic and sedative effects, other medical uses of marijuana also include antispasmodic, anti-emetic, memory enhancer as well as to increase appetite. This has made marijuana effective especially as supportive care for cancer patients under chemotherapy. Weed, pot, mary jane, grass, mj, skunk, white widow and five fingers are only few of the many names used for marijuana.

Over the years, people argue with regards to the fact whether marijuana is addictive or not. Many claim that the use of this drug is not addictive at all. Users say that they are simply using the drug as a pastime, or simply as a way to socialize. Despite the claims of many marijuana users that it is not addictive, majority of the population believe that marijuana is indeed very addictive and destructive. The withdrawal symptoms itself prove that marijuana has addictive components that the body reacts with when suddenly stopped or not taken. Many marijuana users begin by smoking marijuana only to try and experience it once until they realize that they can no longer function and continue with their daily activities without using marijuana.

Smoking, eating and drinking are methods used in using marijuana. Smoking marijuana produces instant effects. The flowers instead of the leaves are used for smoking marijuana. Marijuana can be eaten as well. Cookies, brownies, candies are example of common food products prepared with marijuana. Tea, tincture and compress are also other methods of using marijuana. Scientific research indicates that marijuana can cause many serious health problems. Among its many negative effects include distorted perception, cognitive learning disabilities, impaired memory, tachycardia or increased heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure. In high doses of marijuana, hallucinations and delusions are evident.

Addiction to marijuana can affect the physical, mental, emotional and psychosocial health of an individual. Therefore, it is important to consider quitting this unhealthy habit. Although majority of its users admit that it is difficult to stop once you have been addicted to this drug, it is still possible to stop the habit by yourself. The most difficult part in quitting marijuana is not knowing where you will begin.  One of the most helpful tips in stopping the use of marijuana is to set an exact date and strictly adhere to it. This will allow you some time to prepare and adjust. Knowing why you are addicted and the consequences that come with it is very important. It will help you become determined with your decision.

It is essential to understand first why you are addicted with the drug in order for you to entertain thoughts about putting a stop with your addiction. The materials and stock you have in hand with regards to the use of marijuana must be disposed immediately. This is very beneficial in stopping the bad habit of smoking marijuana. If feelings of not being able to cope with the withdrawal symptoms associated with the use of this substance are present and difficult to deal with, you may consider seeking medical help. There are several associations and organizations that are willing to help people who are determined to change and stop the habit.

At-Home Tendonitis Treatment Options

Tendon inflammation or tendonitis is a painful condition usually the result of overuse. The tendons are made up of fibrous connective tissues that attach muscles to the bones and function to transmit impulses to the muscles. Tendons allow muscles to move. Tendon inflammation occurs mostly on middle adults ranging from 35 to 55 years old. People who are at risk for this condition are those who are involved in heavy workloads such as manual laborers and construction workers. Although the actual cause of tendon inflammation is still unknown, various studies have agreed that it is more likely the result of repetitive strenuous activities.

Diagnosing tendon inflammation is performed through a series of physical assessment performed by the physician. Imaging studies such as X-ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are usually not indicated. However, in cases in which signs and symptoms are too vague, diagnostic tools such as imaging studies may be required in order to rule out other disorders that may have similar signs and symptoms with tendon inflammation. The common sites for tendonitis occur mostly on the shoulder, elbow, wrist and heel.

Treatment and management for tendon inflammation involve simple strategies directed mainly on relieving pain and discomfort brought about by this condition. The activity which resulted to tendonitis should be stopped immediately. This will avoid further tissue damage. Within 24 to 48 hours following the occurrence of the first signs and symptoms of tendonitis, it is recommended to apply warm or cold compress, whichever is preferred but applying ice on the affected area has shown to be more effective in minimizing the swelling. This is performed together with the elevation of the affected area to achieve its maximum effect.

Immobilizing the affected area with the use of splints, braces and straps is also helpful in managing the pain and discomforts associated with tendon inflammation. When the affected area is immobilized, the damaged tissues are more likely to repair and heal for itself. Another effective method in managing tendonitis at home is to use over-the-counter pain medications such as Non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Examples of these drugs include ibuprofen, naproxen and other analgesics.

The most important factor in managing tendon inflammation is to modify activities which have resulted to the occurrence of this condition. This can be achieved by avoiding repetitive strenuous activities, tough sports, and other previous activities which have resulted to tendon inflammation. Other methods that aim to treat tendonitis include exercises and physical activities that aim to strengthen the muscles and increase its flexibility. These exercises are performed with light resistance that will help avoid further worsening of the condition as well as prevent the recurrence of tendonitis in the future.

Avoiding the activities which have caused tendonitis is difficult to achieve. Therefore the most helpful thing to do to prevent the incidence of tendon inflammation can be best achieved by properly warming up prior to every activity. This will promote proper circulation and enhance tissue perfusion allowing proper functioning before being used for strenuous activities.

What to Feed Your ADHD Child

Children diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder are known to have high levels of energy. They are characterized with increase restlessness, overactivity, age-inappropriate inattention and impulsivity. Some of these children are prescribed with certain stimulant medications that suppress their appetite, often leading to weight loss. Several studies also link ADHD to poor eating habits which can go either way. It could be that children with ADHD have poor diet choices or poor diet can aggravate the occurrence of this behavioral disorder. It is important for the parents to provide their ADHD children with foods that will meet their children’s required daily caloric intake and supply them with sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Although the cause and pathogenesis of ADHD has not yet been completely defined, studies point out the link of this disorder to certain nutritional deficiency. The lack of essential fatty acids is found to be one of the contributing factors in the occurrence of ADHD. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid commonly found in cold water fatty fish and fish oil supplements. It is proven to help improve the circulation and brain functioning especially in children with cognitive disorders. Other food sources that are rich with DHA include linseed or flax seed, nuts and foods fortified with DHA such as eggs, bread and juices.

Neural functioning is impaired with ADHD children. They need food sources that will improve their neural activity such as Vitamin B complex which includes vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. Vitamin B complex enhances the functioning of the immune and the nervous system. It is recommended for parents to consult first expert clinicians regarding the supplementation of these vitamins since some of these have serious side effects that can be harmful for their children. Green leafy vegetables and animal products are great sources of vitamin B complex.

Protein is also recommended for children with ADHD since they are hyperactive and restless. Children should have sufficient daily intake of protein especially during breakfast to sustain their activities throughout the day. Since children are picky eaters, parents should offer foods that are more appealing and at the same time contain rich amount of protein. Examples of these protein rich foods are grilled cheese sandwich, chocolate soy milk, peanut butter sandwiches, eggs, shrimp, orange roughy or deep sea perch, lentils, chicken breast, salmon and lean beef.

The growth and development of these children should be prioritized as well. Both calcium and magnesium should also be part of ADHD diet. These minerals also target the functioning of their nervous system which can improve their behavior and cognitive functioning. Milk, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and cereals are excellent sources of calcium and magnesium for children.
Other important substances that contribute to the physical growth and mental development of children are iron and zinc. Studies show that children with ADHD have low levels of zinc in their body. This mineral is responsible for the improvement of the immune system and can be found in beef, poultry and pork. There are also studies suggesting that iron deficiency contributes to a number of psychiatric and neurological conditions, including learning disabilities and ADHD. Parents should give their children daily iron supplements and offer them foods that are rich in iron such as red meat, poultry and other organ meats.  

It may take years for experts to identify the real cause of ADHD. As of the present, families of children diagnosed with this behavioral disorder can rely best on providing their children with the special needs that they require – love, understanding, and care as well as adequate and healthy nutrition.

What Causes ADHD?

Among 5 to 9 percent of the school age population is diagnosed to have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It is characterized by age-inappropriate inattention, distractibility, increase restlessness, and impulsivity. It commonly occurs in males than in females although in adult cases, frequency occurs on equal proportion. Approximately 2 out 4 percent of adults are believed to have ADHD. This disorder has serious negative effects if not detected and treated immediately however, a lot of adults are remained to be unidentified and left untreated.

The cause and pathogenesis of ADHD have not been completely defined but there are theories stating that ADHD has a biologic basis. One of the best documented causes is the genetic predisposition although specific genetic mechanisms have not been definitively documented. Many studies conducted among families, twins, and adoption reported high heritability. According to some studies, ADHD is associated with dopamine-deficiency which is supported by the fact that most drugs used to manage ADHD acts by increasing the production of dopamine. Two dopamine genes have been found out to have significant relationship with the disorder. However, the two genes do not appear to be responsible for the degree of heritability found in certain studies.

Experiments through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) also found out that ADHD brains are smaller than controls found in the right side of the frontal area and basal ganglia. This finding explains the impairment in the executive function of children with ADHD. Executive functions has something to do with self-control and commonly deals with the management functions of the brain such as planning, inhibition of impulse, and voluntary direction of attention. However, other brain imaging studies such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and electroencephalogram (EEG), do not share the same result with MRI.

Aside from the familial tendency and heredity, a variety of pathophysiologic etiologies are seen to cause the occurrence of ADHD at least in small populations. Some of these include encephalitis, birth trauma, cranial anomalies, low birth weight, fetal alcohol syndrome and head injuries. Recent studies also show the close association of ADHD with heavy metal poisoning, viral exposure, deficiency in various minerals such as zinc, specific essential fatty acid deficiency, food allergies, abnormality and problems with the thyroid gland, and pediatric autoimmune disorders such as group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal infections like tonsillitis, acute glomerulonephritis and rheumatic heart disease. There are also some studies supporting the theory that excessive time spent in front of the television is closely associated with ADHD. Maternal deprivation can also be linked with hyperactivity.

Just like any other neuropsychiatric disorders, stress aggravates the condition. Since what causes ADHD is not yet clearly specified, various studies conclude that the development of clinical symptoms in ADHD is likely attributed to the interaction of genetic tendency with environment, both physically/chemically and psychosocially.

Types of ADHD

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is defined as a chronic syndrome of age-inappropriate inattention, distractibility, impulsivity and restless overactivity. It targets approximately 5 to 9 percent of the population of school age children, and a smaller population of adults. It is seen that more males than females are diagnosed with this behavioral disorder. However in adult-diagnosed cases, the sex ratio may approach equality.

ADHD has a wide variety of symptoms ranging from characteristics of inattention to hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms. Scientific studies and clinical finding led to the identification of types of ADHD. Diagnosing different types of ADHD enabled clinicians to recognize different methods of treatment such as stimulant medications and behavioral therapies. ADHD is diagnosed through a diagnostic criteria called as the DSM-IV. The criteria are endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) as well as the American Psychiatric Association (APA). This is also used to rule out other mental disorders that can usually be associated with ADHD such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, psychosis and autism.

Some examples of characteristics of inattention include difficulty remembering and following directions, easily distractibility, difficulty in sustaining attention in tasks and  other play activities, does not follow or has a hard time obeying simple commands, appearing confused most of the time, inconsistent performance, sluggish, reluctant to engage in tasks requiring sustained mental effort, gets easily overwhelmed, difficulty working independently, poor study skills, and difficulty organizing tasks and activities. Children often seen with these manifestations, with the use of DSM-IV, are diagnosed to have Predominantly Inattentive Type of ADHD.

Other children, on the other hand, are seen to have signs of symptoms of Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type of ADHD. In this type of ADHD, children are seen to have inappropriate behavior such as frequently getting into trouble, difficulty standing in lines, making inappropriate noises, irrational behavior, engaging in dangerous activities, beginning tasks without waiting for directions, getting easily bored or impatient, hurrying through tasks, disturbing others, and hurting or hitting others when upset.

In some cases, signs and symptoms in both types of ADHD can be seen together. This is classified as the Combined Type of ADHD. This type of ADHD is commonly seen as the child grows in which the inattentive symptoms become developmentally significant. Other common characteristics of children with ADHD include procrastination, getting easily frustrated, overly reactive, has difficulty being disciplined, aggressive behavior, low self-esteem, poor handwriting, over sensitivity to stimuli, motivational difficulties, and school performance difficulties.

Another way of classifying ADHD is identified by a psychiatrist and expert clinician from Amen Clinics in the United States. It is done through brain scanning involving dyes and CT scans. He defined these types of ADHD as the Classic, Inattentive, Overfocused, Temporal Lobe, Limbic ADHD and the RING OF FIRE. The basis for Amen’s types of ADHD is the hallmark symptoms which include brief attention span, disorganized thinking, procrastination, distractibility and poor self-control. This method of classifying ADHD is not generally accepted since the procedure of diagnosing psychiatric problems in children and in adults has no scientific basis as of the present. The American Psychiatric Association (APA), however, admits that brain imaging techniques can be used in the near future for the diagnosis of other psychiatric disorders.

Treatment for Tennis Elbow

Lateral epicondylitis, commonly termed as tennis elbow, is a result of overuse or repetitive stress to the muscles and tendons on the lateral aspect of the elbows. It is characterized by severe burning pain, difficulty in gripping objects, forearm muscle tightness, or pain and insufficient elbow and hand movement. Over the years, studies have been conducted to identify the actual cause of tennis elbow but until now no studies have specifically identified its actual etiology. However, studies have found out that most cases of patients with this condition are those involve in manual labors and active sports enthusiasts especially those who are involve in racquet sports. It is believed that the most common cause of tennis elbow is physical injuries or direct blow at the elbow site as well as overstretching the muscles and tendons located in this area.

To diagnose tennis elbow involves a series of steps since a single diagnostic tool has not been found to be effective. X-ray results of those who are diagnosed with this condition appear to be normal. Other diagnostic tools may also include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), CT scan, ultrasonography, and other physical exams. Physicians perform this physical exam by applying direct pressure over the affected area while instructing the client to move the elbow, wrist and fingers. The actual diagnosis is made after thorough assessment of the signs and symptoms. Passive wrist flexion and resistive wrist extension are present during the assessment.

Since what actually causes tennis elbow is still unknown, the specific treatment for this condition has not yet been clearly identified. Tennis elbow treatment is usually directed on the management of pain and alleviation of discomfort especially when performing activities. Simple exercises like stretching are strongly recommended since it targets the flexibility of the affected part. These simple exercises can be performed whenever and wherever one prefers. Doing these exercises on a regular basis can help promote the strength and the flexibility of the muscles, tendons and ligaments on the affected area.

Some medications may also be prescribed for this condition. These medications include Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. A warm or cold compress, whichever is preferred, can also help in alleviating the pain and discomforts brought about by this condition. However, if the pain is too severe, corticosteroids administered intramuscularly may also be prescribed. An elbow orthosis, counter-force brace or tennis elbow strap can also be helpful. It aims to reduce the strain at the elbow.

More complicated tennis elbow treatment include ultrasound therapy, blood injection, botulinum toxin, lithotriptor or extra-corporeal shock wave therapy, low level laser therapy, sclerotherapy and trigger point therapy. However, these treatments have little scientific value. In rare cases, surgery may be indicated. It is performed to release the attachment of the affected tendon through the removal of a segment of this damaged tendon.  
To prevent the worsening and the recurrence of tennis elbow, certain exercises are recommended. The goals of these exercises are to prevent re-irritation of the tendon, to realign the muscle fibers, reduce muscular tightness, and reduce the tension on the tendons. These exercises include progressive strengthening exercises, massage, exercises performed with weights and exercises with physiotherapists. But as of now, the most recommended management for tennis elbow is lifestyle modification involving regular rest periods in combination with exercise.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Treating Tendonitis

Tendon inflammation, or tendonitis, is an inflammatory condition characterized by pain, swelling as well as impaired performance. The sites in which tendonitis often occurs include rotator cuff of the shoulder, wrist extensors and flexors, patellar and popliteal tendons and iliotibial band at the knee, insertion of the posterior tibial tendon in the leg and Achilles heel. Tendons are fibrous connective tissues that attach muscles to the bones and basically function to transmit forces from muscles to bones. The pain that occurs in tendon inflammation has been found to worsen especially during the night and especially during movement or activity.

Although the exact etiology for tendonitis is still unknown, many studies claim that this condition is mainly due to overuse. Aging has also been considered as a factor in the occurrence of tendonitis. As the person ages, the tendon as well as other connective tissues, loose its elasticity subjecting it to repeated trauma and injury. It is commonly found in middle adults aging from 35 to 55 years of age.

Other factors attributed to tendon inflammation are physically and psychosocially-related. Physical work-related factors include performing activities intensely, repeatedly, with sustained exertion, with poor body mechanics and when in cold temperatures. Examples of psychosocial factors are monotonous work, time pressure, heavy work load, lack of social support and poor relationship with co-workers and superiors. Other cases of tendonitis are also found in those who are undergoing oral and parenteral fluoroquinolone treatment.

Diagnosing tendon inflammation involves a series of thorough physical assessment with a physician. The signs and symptoms are evaluated if it is indeed tendonitis. Imaging studies are usually not indicated however, in cases that other conditions are suspected, X-rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography can be very helpful. These diagnostic examinations are also indicated to patients who are poorly coping with the condition or if signs and symptoms are not responsive to usual treatment and management for tendon inflammation.

The goal of treatment for tendonitis is mainly directed to relieve pain. On the first appearance of pain associated with this condition, it is strongly recommended to stop the activity immediately or simply decrease the activity level. It is also very important to apply an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area within 24 to 48 hours. This will reduce or prevent edema or swelling. By minimizing the swelling, the tendon will be able to its normal state and perform its normal functions. The area should also be protected and immobilized through the use of braces, splints, slings and straps. This will allow the damaged tissues to completely heal for itself.

Over-the-counter pain medications are also effective in providing pain relief. Examples of these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen, as well as aspirin. When severe pain is experienced, peritendinous lidocaine or steroid injections may also be helpful. Corticosteroids are potent drugs use to relieve pain. It is directly injected into the affected are to provide immediate pain relief. There are also several cases in which the use of low-intensity ultrasound has been useful in alleviating pain.

How to treat tendonitis depends primarily on avoiding and preventing activities that have previously or have known to cause trauma. Strengthening exercises have been found to be very effective in preventing the recurrence of tendon inflammation by enhancing the strength and flexibility of the muscles and the tendons. Repetitive strenuous activities should also be avoided however, in cases when this is not possible, taking frequent breaks should be practiced.

The Red Wedding Dress

Wedding ceremony is considered to be the experience of a lifetime. The bride must be at her most beautiful state during this event. It only happens once and therefore, everything must be perfectly planned down from the smallest details to the most noticeable parts. Choosing the motif or the theme, where the wedding will take place, the bridal car or the bridal jewelry can be very stressful. However, the most crucial part in planning a wedding is choosing the design of the wedding dress. Over the years, the only problem concerning the bridal gown is what its design should be but recently choosing the color is becoming a concern as well.

Many young women nowadays find themselves in the midst of experimenting and trying modern designs of bridal gowns. They find the plain white wedding dress boring and very common. Other brides associate the season in which they are married with the colors of their bridal gowns. In the United States, for example, those are married during the spring commonly use pink, lilac and blue bridal gowns. Wedding ceremonies during summer usually have brides who wear aqua, purple and dark pink dresses while those who are married during the fall wear olive and violet bridal gowns. Winter brides are more likely to wear dark red, dark blue, as well as black and white wedding dresses.

In the present days, red wedding dress has become more and more popular. It has been first used in other cultures such as the Chinese and the Indians. Red in China symbolizes luck and fortune. This red wedding dress in China is usually embroidered with fine designs made up of gold and silver, and may sometimes have other designs such as dragon. Chinese red wedding dresses are often called Qi Pao, Qun Gua, Kwa or Cheongsam. Indians share the same opinion with the Chinese with regards to the red wedding dress. According to them, it brings happiness and luck to the couple. They call it sari, gaghra choli, and shalwar chameez.

However, in more conservative countries, they have not yet fully accepted the thought of having a wedding dress in red. They find the color offensive. Red has been considered as a sinful color and a bad luck by others. For others it may symbolize death, sin and lust. Older wedding guests may get overwhelmed and distracted with a bride dressed in red during the wedding ceremony especially when inside the church.

When deciding what color the bridal gown should be, the personal taste and the decision of the bride should be given more value, the fact that she is the one who is going to wear it. However, other factors should be considered as well such as the guests that will be present during the wedding. If a red wedding dress is to be worn, the wedding guests should be somehow informed. This will provide them with information of what to expect during the wedding ceremony – a bride in a red wedding dress.

The Beach Wedding + Beach Wedding Dress Tips

Traditional church wedding is considered to be the first and most common practiced wedding ceremony since the time of the early Christians. However in the present days, many couples have found themselves enthralled with the idea of saying their vows instead on the beach. A beach wedding is becoming more and more popular in the present days. Planning for the perfect beach wedding has been simplified by a series of strategies that aim to beautify and make their beach wedding more unique, setting it apart from others.

Since the ceremony will take place at the beach, a theme that is more closely associated with the beach setting should be considered like a Hawaiian theme. The wedding attire should be as colorful as it can be, especially the attire of both the bride and the groom. Wedding guests are also expected to wear something colorful but it should be made sure that the colors won’t clash especially during picture taking following the wedding ceremony.

Another important thing that should be kept in mind is the flooring. Since the ceremony will take place on the beach, solid flooring should be provided to avoid difficulty especially with the fact that the chairs where the guests will sit are resting on inconsistent flooring – the sand. Women guests should also be informed to wear no spiked heels but instead use wedged heels or low heeled sandals to avoid difficulty when walking around the venue. If the budget is limited and providing solid flooring seems to be out of reach, using beach chairs is recommended. Beach chairs are designed to have strong foundation over the sandy ground.

Having a beach wedding requires planning ahead of time and foreseeing possible problems that may arise during the day of the ceremony such as the weather and the wind. Since the ceremony is to be held on the beach, one should anticipate the occurrence of unwanted weather such as heavy rain. If it is possible, one should consult weather forecaster or conduct a simple research on what could possibly be the weather during that date in order to avoid unwanted circumstances such as getting soak under the rain during your wedding day. Tents and the like should be anchored thoroughly since heavy wind cannot be avoided.

Aside from the beach wedding theme, it is also very important to plan carefully the attire most especially the bridal gown. Since the ceremony will take place on the beach, the wedding dress should suit the location. It is recommended for the bride to wear strapless or sleeveless gowns but avoid showing too much skin. Even if it is a beach wedding, the bride is strongly recommended to wear a long dress.

The couple can also choose to have a more formal ceremony even if it is to be held on the beach. They can plan on having their guests wear something formal while reserving the Hawaiian theme for the reception. It should be kept in mind that no matter where the location of the ceremony is, a wedding will always be a holy event therefore keeping the ceremony elegant as well as solemn are very important factors to be considered when planning for the wedding ceremony.

Tennis Elbow Causes and Treatment

Tennis elbow is defined as a condition that produces severe burning pain over the bone at the side of the elbow. Over the past years, many thought that tennis elbow is an inflammation of tendons and ligaments at the elbow area however histologic studies confirm that no inflammation occurs in this disorder. It is termed medically as lateral epicondylitis, and shooter’s elbow or archer’s elbow in layman’s term. It is an overuse injury commonly associated with playing tennis, badminton and other racquet sports but can also happen in other daily activities. Tennis elbow is also considered as a degenerative disease. Although the real cause of tennis elbow has not yet been clearly defined, many studies claim that it is actually caused by small tears of the tendons and ligaments located at the muscles of the arms.

Experiments conducted before have shown that tennis elbow arises because of overexertion. However, recent studies have proven that it is more likely a result of heavy trauma, direct injuries to the epicondyle or a sudden forceful extension. There is also one theory explaining that the presence of microscopic tears between the common extensor tendon, and the periosteum of the lateral humeral epicondyle is the reason for the occurrence of tennis elbow. This study showed that most of the tennis elbow cases manifests tearing of their tendons.

Studies show that most of the people who experience this condition are those involve in heavy workloads such as construction workers and other manual laborers such as carpenters, painters and gardeners. This condition is also commonly seen in individuals who are active in sports such as tennis, badminton, lacrosse and other racquet sports. This condition is characterized by pain on the outer part of the elbow or the lateral epicondyle, point tenderness over the lateral epicondyle, pain during wrist extension and lifting movements and morning stiffness.

Diagnosing tennis elbow is performed by the physician through the application of pressure on the affected area while instructing the patient to move the elbow, wrist and fingers. Other diagnostic tools also involve the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), X-rays, and ultrasonography. However, only a minority of patients requires diagnostic studies since some results are not that reliable for example, X-rays of patients with this condition may appear normal.

Treating tennis elbow involves a variety of procedures ranging from simple basic steps to more complicated procedures such as surgery. Patients suffering from this condition are prescribed with anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, elbow braces. Exercises that are intended for the elbow are also beneficial. More complicated tennis elbow treatments include extracorporeal shock wave therapy, autologous blood injection and surgery. Extracorporeal shock wave is a therapy involving the use of sound waves to induce microtrauma to tissues that will promote the healing of the damaged tissues at the site
Since the etiology for tennis elbow has not yet been clearly defined, it is difficult for experts to identify the single most effective therapy for tennis elbow. It is therefore recommended for the population to rely on lifestyle modification for managing the discomfort brought about by this condition. They should improve the way that they perform their usual activities.

Tendonitis/Tendon Inflammation

Tendonitis is the inflammation of the tendons characterized by pain during movement of the affected area. Tendon is consists of groups of fibrous tissue that functions to attach muscle tissues to the bones. It is also responsible for muscle contractions. Tendons can be very small as those found in the fingers and toes, and can be much larger like the one which is found in the heel.

Tendonitis is commonly associated with the poor circulation in smaller tendons. This lack of blood supply often results to delayed healing process. This area is commonly referred to as “watershed zone”, where tendons receive the least of amount of blood. Because of the little amount of blood circulating, this area is also at risk for low levels of oxygen making it more prone to tissue damage.  Tendon inflammation is thought to be more of a type of injury caused by overexertion and overuse. It is found to occur more commonly on people who are 40 to 60 years of age. As a person ages tendons become more fragile, more inelastic and therefore, more prone to injuries such as tendonitis.

It is also believed that tendonitis is due to the anatomical structure wherein the tendons are not moving along smooth paths which will then lead to irritation and inflammation. In these rare cases, surgical procedure is recommended. Symptoms of tendon inflammation include tenderness over the affected area, pain especially during activities in which the tendons and muscles are involved, and swelling of the affected site. In diagnosing this condition, X-rays and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are usually not needed although these are helpful diagnostic tools in ruling out other possible injuries such as fractures.

Common types of tendonitis include Achilles tendonitis, posterior tibial tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, rotator cuff tendonitis, and lateral epicondylitis or more commonly known as tennis elbow. Symptoms of tendon inflammation range from mild to severe, pains or local stiffness can occur that may often lead to a burning sensation surrounding the entire joint of the affected tendon. The pain and discomfort usually worsens during the day when a lot of activities are performed in which the tendon becomes stiffer and the swelling of the affected area increases. Stressful life conditions may contribute to the onset of the signs and symptoms of tendon inflammation.

The management and treatment for tendon inflammation involves a series of simple steps. During the occurrence of pain and discomforts associated with tendonitis, physicians usually prescribe the use of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) in combination with physical therapy, rest, and simple exercises that aim to promote the strength and flexibility of muscles and tendons. In some cases, orthotics or braces can be used. It is also recommended to apply a compression and elevate the affected area to reduce swelling.

Normal activities can be resumed after 2 to 3 days while the expected full recovery is usually within 4 to 6 weeks. Other cases of tendon inflammation management require steroid injections and laser therapy. The latter is commonly indicated for chronic tendonitis. Autologous blood injection can also be performed when managing this condition. It involves the introduction of one’s own blood into the affected area to promote repair and healing of the damaged tendon.

The recurrence of tendon inflammation can be prevented through adequate rest, protecting the area by splints and straps, and proper exercises or physical therapy. It is strongly recommended to avoid previous activities which caused the occurrence of tendonitis.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Spinal cord is through which nerve impulses from the brain travels towards other body parts to signal movement and contractions. It is protected by the vertebral column which is consists of several irregularly shaped bones called vertebrae. Intervertebral discs are located between the vertebra which serves as the shock absorbent system of the spine. These discs are made up of fibrous cartilages that cushions and protects the spinal cord and accounts for vertebral motion like flexion and extension.

One common injury to the spinal cord is known as spinal cord compression. It is particularly due to lesions both outside and inside the spinal cord. Trauma like vertebral dislocation, vertebral crush fracture, herniated disc and metastatic tumor can result to spinal cord compression. It is manifested by paresis or weakness of the extremities, bowel or bladder dysfunction, complicated plantar response, hematoma or bruises, overactive reflexes, local back pain and sensory deficits or sensory loss. It can be diagnosed with the use of magnetic field and radio frequency known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or through X-rays and a contrast media particularly known as CT myelography.

The management for compression varies according to the extent of injury. Intravenous therapy can be started such as Dexamethasone, it can also be dealt with radiation therapy or surgery. The treatment is directed mainly to relieve pain and discomfort. These methods aim to relieve the compression brought about by injury to the vertebral column. The latest method for managing compression is spinal decompression therapy. This method is performed with a mechanical device that functions by loosening the compressed vertebrae.

Spinal decompression therapy is an improved and a higher variation of inversion therapy in its technological aspect. Inversion therapy is performed on a table that allows the back to be relaxed in an inverted position and aims in diminishing the influence of gravity while spinal decompression therapy provides a constant and gentle decompression of the disc with the use of a decompression table. Once strapped, the table moves as it applies a distraction force to the compressed area of the spine. The amount of the distraction force is gradually applied and increased during periods of relaxation and is controlled through a computer.

Spinal decompression therapy differs with traction therapy in the sense that traction therapy requires the body’s normal reaction to the pull directed towards the opposite direction while spinal decompression therapy involves sensitive computer-feedback mechanisms that allows maximum therapeutic results. The equipment is programmed to continuously monitor muscular reaction and designed to compensate by adjusting its distraction parameters.

Increasing number of studies proves that pain can be effectively relieved through spinal decompression therapy but if after the 15th to 18th session the pain is still present, further diagnostic examinations are recommended to identify any underlying pathologic conditions requiring immediate attention. However there are also some factors that may alter the outcome of spinal decompression therapy including age, weight, previous surgeries, history of prolonged use of narcotic and steroid medications, use of caffeine and smoking.

Spinal decompression therapy is proven to be safe, comfortable and non-invasive. It can be considered as a good alternative for surgery. However, physician should be consulted first when suspecting any spinal cord injury and should not immediately resort to therapies such as inversion, traction or spinal decompression therapy to prevent further trauma at the affected site. 

Selecting Your Bridal Jewelry

Wedding ceremony is considered to be one of the most important ceremonies in the entire lifetime. Everything should be planned well, from the smallest detail such as the beads that should match the veil, to the most noticeable part such as the wedding dress. However, one should keep in mind that wedding ceremonies does not necessarily have to be that expensive in order for it to become the most beautiful wedding event. It is possible to have the wedding of a lifetime without having to spend a fortune.

One of the most important parts in wedding planning is the selection of the bridal jewelry. Wedding bridal jewelry includes necklace, bracelet and a pair of earrings. Some may consider selecting bridal jewelry as not that important in preparation for the wedding. However, one should remember that bridal jewelry complements the bridal gown. No matter how perfect the gown is, if paired with the wrong set of bridal jewelry, its beauty will no longer be that noticeable. Choosing the perfect wedding rings and other bridal accessories are as important as selecting the theme and the motif of the wedding.

When shopping for the bridal accessories, it is important to plan ahead of time how much you are willing to spend. This will prevent overspending and will provide you more convenience by limiting your choices. It is best to go shopping on stores wherein the usual price fits the budget you planned. Visiting other expensive shops will more likely waste your time since you are not expected to exceed the set budget. This will only cause more anxiety to the wedding planner and most especially, to the bride. It is also recommended to educate oneself first prior to going to different stores. It is important that one has sufficient knowledge with regards to what should be bought including a little of its history and value. Keep in mind that the most important factor is to select the jewelry set that perfectly matches the bridal gown and must be within the planned budget.

Wedding bridal jewelry should also be of high quality. This does not necessarily mean that the bridal accessories should be that expensive. Having the best quality means having the most durable, most suited and most beautiful bridal jewelry set. Many stores specialize in providing jewelry set that come in affordable prices. Choosing the perfect design should be planned before shopping. It should match and look good when paired with the bridal gown and must reflect one’s personal taste and style. However, it should be noted that the bridal jewelry set is worn not to overpower nor understate the bridal gown but functions to accentuate the wedding gown. It should be just right for the wetting attire – finely made, durable and above all, beautiful.

Wedding jewelries are not limited to the bride alone. The groom, bridesmaids, groomsmen, as well as guests can also be accessorized for the wedding ceremony. It will add up to the design of the wedding when they are wearing some accessories such as beads, pendants, cuff links, tie clips, or even watches - it depends on the creativity and the personal taste of the wedding planner. Remember that wedding ceremony happens only once in a lifetime so it should be something one can never forget.

Selecting the Florist for Your Wedding Flowers

Every woman dreams of the perfect wedding. Proper and well-planned wedding can give you the wedding you have always dreamed of. Everything should be planned accordingly from the smallest detail like the bridal accessories to the most noticeable details such as the bridal gown. One most important part during the wedding ceremony is the floral decoration. These flowers add up to the ambiance during the event and produce a warm and comforting environment. Flowers are found to symbolize certain important aspects especially in the couple’s life including life, growth and rebirth. It is also one of the many things that will be remembered most by the wedding guests.

Finding the perfect florist for your wedding ceremony can be as hard as deciding for the wedding dress to be worn. It is important to consult first your family or friends who may know someone involve in flower arrangements that they met or had experience with before. It is also possible to visit bridal shows or simply go to flower shops that you are familiar with. When inside the shop you are expected to observe the decorations, including the way the florists performs her works whether he is organized and neat. Looking at the previous works of the florist through photographs taken recently will help you gain insight on how he can possibly beautify the venue for your wedding ceremony.

When assessing the skills and the capabilities of the florist, you must share with the florist your ideas regarding the floral decorations. You can present to the florist some suggestions you have in mind and make sure that you concretize these ideas by bringing with you some pictures, videos or magazines that contain your suggestions with regards to the designs. You have to realize that it is important that you are comfortable in sharing your ideas with this person since the tasks of the florist involve constant and frequent consultations with you.

Finding the perfect florist for your wedding should be done 6 to 8 months prior to this very important date. This will allow sufficient time for intensive and thorough planning with regards to the designs. It is also very important to have the florist sign a contract at least 4 months before the wedding.

Other factors to be considered concerning the florist include knowing the colors present during the wedding such as the dresses to be worn by the bridesmaid, the number of corsages and centerpieces. And most importantly, you should have decided what type of wedding you would want to have so that you will know what flowers to use that can withstand the possible weather condition on that day. It is also important to know whether the flowers especially the bridal bouquet, possess toxins and chemicals that may trigger asthma attacks to the guests and most importantly to the bride and the groom.

Migraine Remedies that Work

A very painful type of headache is migraine which is described as a throbbing and pulsating pain on one area of the head. Episodes of migraine lead to sensitivity to noise and light. It is caused by the dilation of blood vessels that results to release of chemicals. These chemicals trigger inflammation which is characterized by pain and this pain intensifies as there is further inflammation occurring in the blood vessel or the artery. Other experts also believe that the cause is linked genetically and has a familial tendency. According to them, the cause can be associated with the genes that manipulate or control certain brain activities.

Migraine is three times more common in women than in men. According to a neurologist from Montefiore Headache Center, Dr. Bryan Grosberg, migraine is due to the hormonal changes present in women because of menstrual cycles. Other contributing factors for migraine include stress, lack of food or sleep, weather changes, alcohol intake, anxiety and exposure to light.

Medical treatment for migraine can be classified as abortive and preventive. Abortive therapy is directed mainly for stopping migraine as soon as it occurred. Examples of this drug include acetaminophen, triptans and other pain medications such as NSAIDs or Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. On the other hand, the goal of preventive therapy is to prevent the migraine attacks and considered to treat if migraines occur frequently such as antidepressants, antiseizure medications, and other drugs used to treat hypertension.

Natural migraine relief can also help in managing migraine attacks. Some natural migraine relief has been identified to be effective by some studies. This aims to alleviate the discomforts due to migraine. According to Dr. Grosberg, rehydration can relieve the pain. Drinking caffeine can also help in pain management since it causes vasoconstriction. It should be noted however that caffeine does not have the same effect for everyone. Wearing a headband on the head is also suggested. It has been practiced since long ago and claimed by other people in the present days to be effective.

Fish oil also has a vasoconstricting effects when taken especially on the side of the head behind the eyes thereby soothing the discomfort. Applying peppermint oil on the head and eating ginger or taking ginger capsules have no scientific basis but many claims its effectiveness according to Dr. Grosberg. Taking significant amounts of vitamins and minerals such as Magnesium, Vitamin B12 and Coenzyme Q10 is also recommended. He also claimed that the most effective natural medicine for headache is Butterbur which is commonly seen in Germany, and known to be effective in treating headache and asthma especially when it is converted into a pill form. The last natural migraine relief identified by Dr. Grosberg is cold or warm compress. There is no scientific explanation for this and he claimed that it may also have a placebo effect or distracting effect to the patients but a lot of his patients admitted that their pain and discomforts were relieved through either cold or warm compress whichever is preferred.

An effective way of assessing your migraine is by keeping a diary with you that records and describes the occurrence of your headache which was suggested by Dr. Grosberg. This is a very important and significant tool when consulting the physician with regards to your current condition and what triggers or contributes to the occurrence of your headache.

Migraine Relief Tips

Headache may occur in response to stress or in some cases, as a sign of an underlying pathologic condition. Migraine, which is the most common type of headache, is characterized by severe episodes of headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and photosensitivity. It has proven that 75 percent of the people experiencing this condition are women. The headache associated with migraine usually lasts 1 to 72 hours.

A lot of methods have been claimed to be effective for migraine relief. The treatment and management for migraine involves a series of simple steps directed mainly on relieving the pain and discomforts brought by migraine headache. The most immediate action done by the population when experiencing migraine is to use over-the-counter pain medications like Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen. 

Another method proven to be effective in relieving migraine is through the application of ice wraps which are available at the pharmacy. These ice wraps are placed over the head or around the cervical area in order to facilitate blood flow thereby promoting pain relief. This method is somehow similar with the frozen towel method. The frozen towel method is performed by soaking the towel in a basin full of water then squeezing out the excess water from it. After this, the towel would be placed inside the freezer for approximately 5 minutes and refolded every now and then so that all parts of the towel have the same temperature. Then, with the same concept with ice wrap, the frozen towel will be placed directly over the head or around the neck in order to enhance the circulation of the blood. 

Massage therapy has been effective in eliminating pain during episodes of migraine. The goal of this therapy is to relax the tense muscles and to facilitate tissue perfusion. Through this, the pain is eliminated. It can be best achieved by massaging the area on the head and the neck as well as other pressure points in the body. This should be performed inside a dark and cool environment to promote the relaxation and soothing of the tissues. 

When having migraine attacks, it is also recommended to drink plenty of glasses of water as well as other juices. Taking some salty snacks can also help in relieving pain during moments of headache. In some cases, caffeine has been proven to be also effective in relieving migraine headache. However, it should be noted that people can response differently to some methods most especially to caffeine. Beverages that contain caffeine can either relieve or worsen the pain.

Above all, the most effective treatment and management for migraine relief is a healthy lifestyle. Getting adequate rest and sleep, proper exercise and a balanced diet can help avoid the occurrence of migraine headache. Consumption of unhealthy snacks such as junk foods and other processed foods should be avoided as well as vices including alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking. A healthy body is what all it takes to prevent migraine attacks. 

Laser Mole Removal

A mole is defined as a small congenital growth in the human skin, usually slightly raised and dark. It appears anywhere on the surface of a human body. Moles may appear at birth or over time, as the person grows. It should not change in size, appearance or shape otherwise; one should seek medical help since it can be a sign of malignancy. It ceases to appear at approximately 40 years of age. Moles are usually not a problem at all. However, there are some instances when moles are advised to be removed.

Sometimes moles are located on a man’s facial area or a woman’s underarm in which it is more likely exposed to injury brought about by shaving.  Moles located on surface areas that are exposed to friction or prone to injury are advised to be removed since tissue trauma can lead to more serious health problems. Other people may also choose to remove moles in order to improve their appearance thus, increasing their self-esteem while others may consider a mole as a “beauty spot” and a plus to their sex appeal. It is also removed for medical purposes as in biopsies to check whether it is benign or malignant.

Recently, mole removal had been less invasive at it was before when people still have to go “under the knife” procedures. Technological innovations made it possible for people requiring mole removal to have less bleeding, less tissue trauma, no sutures and cutting, and less scar formation. These are the reasons why many prefer laser mole removal. It should be noted however that laser mole removal is not indicated for deep moles since it does not have the ability to penetrate through deep layers of the skin.

There are also other methods of mole removal including excision with stitches, cauterization and shave biopsy. Surgical procedures of mole removal can be costly. Scars after surgical procedures are also more likely to be noticed. However, there are natural ways of removing moles which have been developed over the past years; some of them are readily found in the common household such as garlic, sour apples, tea tree oil, cauliflower, honey, pineapple, baking soda, castor oil and onion juice. Using these techniques involves obtaining its extracts and rubbing it gently around the area of the mole to be removed and some involves applying a compress using the extract and a bandage and leaving it overnight on the area of the mole.

It usually takes less than an hour to remove a mole but may also depend on the type of removal like in the case of laser mole removal wherein it only takes approximately 10 minutes to finish the entire procedure. After mole removal, it is quite expected to feel an amount of discomfort. Infection may also arise following mole removal especially if it was surgically removed. Consultations should be done with an expert following the procedure to lessen the post-operative complications that may occur. Some scars brought about by this procedure may be permanent but may not be a problem since a lot of commercialized specific treatments for scars are made available in the market.

There are a lot of choices on how to remove unwanted moles. But it is strongly recommended to consult an expert clinician with regards to the type of mole removal and the need to do so. One should discuss with the physician the cost, risks and other factors related to the procedure to be able to identify whether the risks are worth the benefits.

Help for Parents with ADHD Children

ADHD is the most common behavioral problem occurring to 5 to 9 percent among the school age population. It is characterized by extreme hyperactivity, restlessness, irritability, difficulty in concentration and age-inappropriate inattention. It is commonly diagnosed in males than in females. Children with ADHD, if not diagnosed and treated early, can have more serious problems in terms of socializing, performing in school and relating with others as well as with their own family members.

One of the key concepts in managing ADHD is to understand that it is a life-long disorder requiring teamwork among the family members, parents, teachers, caregivers and the healthcare provider. They should be aware that symptoms of ADHD can be controlled and minimized. Parents should also understand that although it is debilitating and exhausting to care for children with ADHD, it is also possible for these children to succeed. Parents play a crucial role in the progress of children diagnosed with this behavioral problem.

Guiding them in decision making, helping them gain self-confidence and controlling their impulses are just few of the many roles and responsibilities of parents in caring for their children with ADHD. Constant and consistent care for these children helps them adjust, cope and improve their present condition. When children do something that makes parents lose their temper, they should bear in mind that their children did not do it on purpose but instead did it because of the fact that they lack the ability to control their thoughts and their selves. Always remembering this principle will help parents adjust to the behavior of their children and allow them to respond to their children in a more supportive and beneficial way.

Staying positive is important for parents. They themselves should value the essence of being optimists. By doing so, parents will set perfect examples for their children and promote a more cooperative environment for the both of them. Positive attitude are considered to be the best asset of parents in dealing with their children. It enables the parent to have a more calm approach in dealing with the child. Steps that will help parents maintain positive attitude is by keeping things in perspective and believing in the abilities of their child.

Another recommended strategy for parents is to help their children stay focused and organized by sticking to a routine, simplifying the child’s schedule, and maintaining a quiet and calm environment. Keeping the child busy by getting them involved in sports, art classes and other simple activities will help parents avoid problems and chaos inside the house.

Parents are also expected to set limits, rules and clear expectations with their children. These children require a consistent and conscientious routine to understand and obey.  Rules in the family should be made simple and clear so that children will not have difficulty in following them. Praising their children with every positive things or tasks accomplished is another effective way for parents in dealing with their children.

Physical activity and adequate rest is vital to a child with ADHD. Parents should promote and encourage activities that can help in the physical development of their children as well as with the development of their skills. Physical activity can improve mental health, decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and can promote intellectual as well as emotional abilities. Sleep on the other hand allows for the growth and development of their children. Some measures in helping the child get enough sleep is by setting a consistent and early bedtime, decreasing the amount of time spent in front of the television, allowing time for bedtime stories, aromatherapies and use of relaxing music.

Nutrition plays a significant role in helping the child with ADHD. Parents should give importance in offering their children nutritious foods and they should understand the need of providing adequate nutrients for their children. A vitamin and mineral supplement, green leafy vegetables and other healthy sources of protein are very essential. Parents should develop their children’s habit of consuming healthy foods and eliminating foods that are not important like junk foods, candies, and other sweets.

Help for parents of ADHD children is made available from published studies, books, clinical consultations and other materials. They have all the resources that will help and guide them in taking care and managing their children’s condition. Parents should always remember that the future of their children depends primarily on them. Their children have the capacity to succeed and gain control over their conditions when given and provided with the special needs and attention they require.

ADHD Books to Read

Understanding Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, its definition, etiology, course, and complications is an important strategy for the healthcare providers as well as the family. It will enable and guide them in dealing with the child and managing the diagnosis. ADHD is the most common behavioral disorder in North America occurring in 3% to 8% among school children. Children with this behavioral problem are manifested by excessive distractibility, impulsivity, restlessness and overactivity. They may also tend to have age-inappropriate inattention. Studies have also shown that it occur more frequently in males than in females.

Clinicians play a vital role in helping the family identify and understand the nature of the disease, its possible complications and comorbidity, pathogenesis, prevention, treatment and palliation. For any disorder it is important to have a thorough understanding especially if it considered as a controversial issue. Over the past years, the diagnosis of ADHD has been constantly argued and questioned by medical and lay critics; others also criticize the effectiveness of the most common and best-documented treatment and the use of stimulants and other behavioral therapies.

Studies and researches have been compiled and published over the years in order to provide a guide and a practical reference for parents and teachers and other interested individuals gain insight into a better understanding of the behavioral disorder. The ADD/ADHD Checklist by Sandra Rief is an example. It aims to aid parents and teachers in understanding children and teenagers with ADHD. The book focuses on specific strategies, supports and interventions that have been proven to be effective in managing common problems associated with ADHD.  It is structured in a brief, simple and user-friendly way that discusses a variety of topics.

Another book that discusses this behavioral problem is Paul Wender’s ADHD in Children and in Adults. Wender is one of the first advocates of stimulant medications in the treatment of ADHD. In this book, he emphasized the benefits of using stimulants especially in the treatment of this life-long behavioral disorder. ADHD in Adults: What the Science Say by Russell Barkley is a book dedicated for the adults who are self-referred to clinics. One major topic discussed in the book is a comparison between adults who are self-referred to clinics and those children with ADHD followed to adulthood. This is the first and only book to discuss the said study. It gives a unique glimpse at the similarities as well as the differences between the two populations diagnosed with ADHD.

Barkley also published another book entitled Taking Charge of ADHD. It aims to empower parents by providing them with the recent, up-to-date knowledge and expert guidance that they need to ensure the adequacy of the care they give to their children. He saw the need to teach parents to have a scientific approach in obtaining information concerning the diagnosis of their children. The information Barkley offers in his book are based on his clinical experiences with thousands of families with children diagnosed with ADHD. The recommendations he made in this book have been drawn from extensive scientific research although he admits that everything one should know about ADHD cannot be found in this book. Its goal is provide the parents with knowledge on executive parenthood, skills on scientific inquiry and principle-centered action.

Silvia DeRuvo’s Strategies for Teaching Adolescents with ADHD also offers significant information that highlights working with ADHD students. This book will help the teachers in guiding their adolescent students with ADHD succeed in their studies. Succeeding in school is one of the most therapeutic things that can happen to a student with ADHD as claimed in the book. It is an important tool and can be of great help in managing classes and lectures with ADHD students.

A lot of ADHD books to read are made available nowadays especially with the rise in the incidence of ADHD worldwide. These books may have contradicting information; one may be against the use of treatments such as stimulant medications while others may strongly advocate the use of such. Whichever treatment or book is chosen to be read, all of them have one thing in common, they offer to provide significant and relevant information that can help families, teachers, and other concerned individuals deal and cope with ADHD.