One of the key concepts in managing ADHD is to understand that it is a life-long disorder requiring teamwork among the family members, parents, teachers, caregivers and the healthcare provider. They should be aware that symptoms of ADHD can be controlled and minimized. Parents should also understand that although it is debilitating and exhausting to care for children with ADHD, it is also possible for these children to succeed. Parents play a crucial role in the progress of children diagnosed with this behavioral problem.

Staying positive is important for parents. They themselves should value the essence of being optimists. By doing so, parents will set perfect examples for their children and promote a more cooperative environment for the both of them. Positive attitude are considered to be the best asset of parents in dealing with their children. It enables the parent to have a more calm approach in dealing with the child. Steps that will help parents maintain positive attitude is by keeping things in perspective and believing in the abilities of their child.
Another recommended strategy for parents is to help their children stay focused and organized by sticking to a routine, simplifying the child’s schedule, and maintaining a quiet and calm environment. Keeping the child busy by getting them involved in sports, art classes and other simple activities will help parents avoid problems and chaos inside the house.
Parents are also expected to set limits, rules and clear expectations with their children. These children require a consistent and conscientious routine to understand and obey. Rules in the family should be made simple and clear so that children will not have difficulty in following them. Praising their children with every positive things or tasks accomplished is another effective way for parents in dealing with their children.
Physical activity and adequate rest is vital to a child with ADHD. Parents should promote and encourage activities that can help in the physical development of their children as well as with the development of their skills. Physical activity can improve mental health, decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and can promote intellectual as well as emotional abilities. Sleep on the other hand allows for the growth and development of their children. Some measures in helping the child get enough sleep is by setting a consistent and early bedtime, decreasing the amount of time spent in front of the television, allowing time for bedtime stories, aromatherapies and use of relaxing music.
Nutrition plays a significant role in helping the child with ADHD. Parents should give importance in offering their children nutritious foods and they should understand the need of providing adequate nutrients for their children. A vitamin and mineral supplement, green leafy vegetables and other healthy sources of protein are very essential. Parents should develop their children’s habit of consuming healthy foods and eliminating foods that are not important like junk foods, candies, and other sweets.
Help for parents of ADHD children is made available from published studies, books, clinical consultations and other materials. They have all the resources that will help and guide them in taking care and managing their children’s condition. Parents should always remember that the future of their children depends primarily on them. Their children have the capacity to succeed and gain control over their conditions when given and provided with the special needs and attention they require.
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