Monday, December 27, 2010


With my groupmate inside the ICU Burn Unit of Southern Philippines Medical Center
I remember when I was assigned at the Burn Department - Intensive Care Unit 11pm to 7am shift. It was very stressful because the patient I was assigned to was in a very critical condition and I am expected to do everything for that particular patient including suctioning his endotracheal tube almost every minute to prevent aspiration, obtaining all his vital signs every 15 minutes to check if he's condition is stable, drain his urine from the urine bag every 15 minutes to see how his kidney is functioning as well as his hydration status, feed him through his nasogastric tube every 2 hours, administer tons of his medications.

The experience was really exhausting, that I was not able to leave the patient the entire shift and I was not able to eat or drink. But I was able to handle it for three consecutive days because I put into my thoughts that if not me, then who else is going to do these things for the patient. I was assigned to him; therefore I am responsible for him. Everything I did, I always thought of how fortunate I am that I was the one doing these things for him and not the other way around. I MAKE A GAME OF FINDING SOMETHING POSITIVE IN EVERY SITUATION, a thing I learned from self-help author Bryan Tracy. I learned from him that ninety-five percent of your emotions are determined by how you interpret events to yourself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very inspiring, kaie. :)